Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Agroforestry Research Essay

Agroforestry is an integrated approach of using the interactive benefits from combining trees and shrubs with crops and/or livestock. It combines agricultural and forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy, and sustainable land-use systems.[1] A narrow definition of agroforestry is â€Å"trees on farms.† As a science The theoretical base for agroforestry comes from ecology, via agroecology.[3] From this perspective, agroforestry is one of the three principal land-use sciences. The other two are agriculture and forestry.[4] The efficiency of photosynthesis drops off with increasing light intensity, and the rate of photosynthesis hardly increases once the light intensity is over about one tenth that of direct overhead sun. This means that plants under trees can still grow well even though they get less light. By having more than one level of vegetation, it is possible to get more photosynthesis than with a single layer. Agroforestry has a lot in common with intercropping. Both have two or more plant species (such as nitrogen-fixing plants) in close interaction, both provide multiple outputs, as a consequence, higher overall yields and, because a single application or input is shared, costs are reduced. Beyond these, there are gains specific to agroforestry. Benefits Further information: Ecoscaping Agroforestry systems can be advantageous over conventional agricultural and forest production methods. They can offer increased productivity, economic benefits, and more diversity in the ecological goods and services provided.[5] Biodiversity in agroforestry systems is typically higher than in conventional agricultural systems. With two or more interacting plant species in a given land area, it creates a more complex habitat that can support a wider variety of birds, insects, and other animals. Depending upon the application, potential impacts of agroforestry can include: †¢Reducing poverty through increased production of wood and other tree products for home consumption and sale †¢Contributing to food security by restoring the soil fertility for food crops †¢Cleaner water through reduced nutrient and soil runoff †¢Countering global warming and the risk of hunger by increasing the number of drought-resistant trees and the subsequent production of fruits, nuts and edible oils †¢Reducing deforestation and pressure on woodlands by providing farm-grown fuelwood †¢Reducing or eliminating the need for toxic chemicals (insecticides, herbicides, etc.) †¢Through more diverse farm outputs, improved human nutrition †¢In situations where people have limited access to mainstream medicines, providing growing space for medicinal plants Agroforestry practices may also realize a number of other associated environmental goals, such as: †¢Carbon sequestration †¢Odour, dust, and noise reduction †¢Green space and visual aesthetics †¢Enhancement or maintenance of wildlife habitat Adaptation to Climate Change There is some evidence that, especially in recent years, poor smallholder farmers are turning to agroforestry as a mean to adapt to the impacts of climate change. A study from the CGIAR research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) found from a survey of over 700 households in East Africa that at least 50% of those households had begun planting trees on their farms in a change from their practices 10 years ago.[6] The trees ameliorate the effects of climate change by helping to stabilize erosion, improving water and soil quality and providing yields of fruit, tea, coffee, oil, fodder and medicinal products in addition to their usual harvest. Agroforestry was one of the most widely adopted adaptation strategies in the study, along with the use of improved crop varieties and intercropping.[6] Applications Agroforestry represents a wide diversity in application and in practice. One listing includes over 40 distinct uses.[3] The 40 or so applications can be roughly classified under a few broad headings. There are visual similarities between practices in different categories. This is expected as categorization is based around the problems addressed (countering winds, high rainfall, harmful insects, etc.) and the overall economic constraints and objectives (labor and other inputs costs, yield requirements, etc.). The categories include : †¢Parklands †¢Shade systems †¢Crop-over-tree systems †¢Alley cropping †¢Strip cropping †¢Fauna-based systems †¢Boundary systems †¢Taungyas †¢Physical support systems †¢Agroforests. Parkland Parklands are visually defined by the presence of trees widely scattered over a large agricultural plot or pasture. The trees are usually of a single species with clear regional favorites. Among the benefits, the trees offer shade to grazing animals, protect crops against strong wind bursts, provide tree prunings for firewood, and are a roost for insect or rodent-eating birds. There are other gains. Research with Faidherbia albida in Zambia showed that mature trees can sustain maize yields of 4.1 tonnes per hectare compared to 1.3 tonnes per hectare without these trees. Unlike other trees, Faidherbia sheds its nitrogen-rich leaves during the rainy crop growing season so it does not compete with the crop for light, nutrients and water. The leaves then regrow during the dry season and provide land cover and shade for crops.[7] Shade systems With shade applications, crops are purposely raised under tree canopies and within the resulting shady environment. For most uses, the understory crops are shade tolerant or the overstory trees have fairly open canopies. A conspicuous example is shade-grown coffee. This practice reduces weeding costs and increases the quality and taste of the coffee.[8][9] Crop-over-tree systems Not commonly encountered, crop-over-tree systems employ woody perennials in the role of a cover crop. For this, small shrubs or trees pruned to near ground level are utilized. The purpose, as with any cover crop, is to increase in-soil nutrients and/or to reduce soil erosion. Alley cropping With alley cropping, crop strips alternate with rows of closely spaced tree or hedge species. Normally, the trees are pruned before planting the crop. The cut leafy material is spread over the crop area to provide nutrients for the crop. In addition to nutrients, the hedges serve as windbreaks and eliminate soil erosion. Alley cropping has been shown to be advantagous in Africa, particularly in relation to improving maize yields in the sub-Saharan region. Use here relies upon the nitrogen fixing tree species Sesbania sesban, Tephrosia vogelii, Gliricidia sepium and Faidherbia albida. In one example, a ten-year experiment in Malawi showed that, by using fertilizer trees such as Tephrosia vogelii and Gliricidia sepium, maize yields averaged 3.7 tonnes per hectare as compared to one tonne per hectare in plots without fertilizer trees or mineral fertilizer.[10] Strip cropping Strip cropping is similar to alley cropping in that trees alternate with crops. The difference is that, with alley cropping, the trees are in single row. With strip cropping, the trees or shrubs are planted in wide strip. The purpose can be, as with alley cropping, to provide nutrients, in leaf form, to the crop. With strip cropping, the trees can have a purely productive role, providing fruits, nuts, etc. while, at the same time, protecting nearby crops from soil erosion and harmful winds. Fauna-based systems Silvopasture over the years (Australia). There are situations where trees benefit fauna. The most common examples are the silvopasture where cattle, goats, or sheep browse on grasses grown under trees.[11] In hot climates, the animals are less stressed and put on weight faster when grazing in a cooler, shaded environment. Other variations have these animals directly eating the leaves of trees or shrubs. There are similar systems for other types of fauna. Deer and hogs gain when living and feeding in a forest ecosystem, especially when the tree forage suits their dietary needs. Another variation, aquaforestry, is where trees shade fish ponds. In many cases, the fish eat the leaves or fruit from the trees. Boundary systems A riparian buffer bordering a river in Iowa. The are a number of applications that fall under the heading of a boundary system. These include the living fences, the riparian buffer, and windbreaks. †¢A living fence can be a thick hedge or fencing wire strung on living trees. In addition to restricting the movement of people and animals, living fences offer habitat to insect-eating birds and, in the case of a boundary hedge, slow soil erosion. †¢Riparian buffers are strips of permanent vegetation located along or near active watercourses or in ditches where water runoff concentrates. The purpose is to keep nutrients and soil from contaminating surface water. †¢Windbreaks reduce the velocity of the winds over and around crops. This increases yields through reduced drying of the crop and/or by preventing the crop from toppling in strong wind gusts. Taungyas Taungya is a system originating in Burma. In the initial stages of an orchard or tree plantation, the trees are small and widely spaced. The free space between the newly planted trees can accommodate a seasonal crop. Instead of costly weeding, the underutilized area provides an additional output and income. More complex taungyas use the between-tree space for a series of crops. The crops become more shade resistant as the tree canopies grow and the amount of sunlight reaching the ground declines. If a plantation is thinned in the latter stages, this opens further the between-tree cropping opportunities. Physical support systems In the long history of agriculture, trellises are comparatively recent. Before this, grapes and other vine crops were raised atop pruned trees. Variations of the physical support theme depend upon the type of vine. The advantages come through greater in-field biodiversity. In many cases, the control of weeds, diseases, and insect pests are a primary motive. Agroforests These are widely found in the humid tropics and are referenced by different names (forest gardening, forest farming, tropical home gardens and, where short-statured trees or shrubs dominate, shrub gardens). Agroforests, in many ways, epitomize agroforestry. Through a complex, disarrayed mix of trees, shrubs, vines, and seasonal crops, these systems, through their high levels of biodiversity, achieve the ecological dynamics of a forest ecosystem. Because of the internal ecology, they tend to be less susceptible to harmful insects, plant diseases, drought, and wind damage. Although they can be high yielding, complex systems tend to produce a large number of outputs. These are not utilized when a large volume of a single crop or output is required.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Factors Affecting the School Readiness Essay

Kindergarten marks the beginning of formal education. The child’s initial school experience can influence the way he feels and acts to future school activities. I will also affect the way he relates to other people and his environment for the rest of his life. Success or failure at this stage can affect his well-being, self-esteem, motivation and perspectives. Lack of kindergarten readiness may also lead to his being held back in the next grade level. School readiness is defined as the â€Å"ability to cope, learn, and achieve without undue stress†. In the Philippines public and private schooling begins with kindergarten, when a child is about 5 years old. Kindergarten is 3 to 4 hours a day or depending on the specific requirement of a particular school. While most of the activities in kindergarten are play activities like singing, storytelling, and drawing, children are also learning basic skills through these activities that will be needed throughout their lives. These skills include listening to direction, using and managing time well, being patient, sharing, and working in cooperation with others. Kindergarten helps children adjust to school slowly, going only a few hours each day. It bridges the gap between the age when kids spent their days playing at home or in a daycare or nursery school and the more formal learning that will begin once a child moves on to the next level. Many parents still believe that kindergarten is just an introduction to school. They merrily think that children just enjoy playtime, art, story time, and maybe even learn their colors, alphabet, and numerals while they are at it. However, at present the expectation s for kindergarteners have leveled up and are much stricter than before. Today, there is actually a set of curricum that must be followed and expected to keep up. Parts of the curriculum include reading readiness, writing, math, science, social studies and other subject related. Children are also taught about proper manners, classroom rules, hygiene and sanitation. Parents should take a personalized approach and focus as their children’s potentials and skills and see if they are already prepared for kindergarten school. Parents must take the initiative to actively participate in home base learning before they heed on out to school. It is important to keep an eye on the children and decipher their behavior, to come to conclusion if they are ready to attend kindergarten or not. Some children tend to develop skills a lilltle later depending on what they have been exposed to and how fast they can grasp these things depending on their surroundings. Specialists in the field of child development feel strongly that readiness is not something that a child is trained for but is the understanding of the child’s unique development and grow pattern and what types of activities will enhance the natural development of a child in the areas of motor development, visual processing skills, auditory processing skills, language skills, numerical skills, conceptual skills, and social-emotional behaviors. TheNatioanl Association For The Education Of Young Children (NAEYC) stated that school readiness is defined as the state of early development that enables individual child to engage in and benefit from early learning experience, As a result of family nurturing and interactions with others, a young child at this stage has reached certain level of social and emotional development, cognition and general knowledge, language development, physical well-being, and motor development. (AnneArundel and Harford). Parents are the first and most important teachers in their child’s life. Staying involved and providing children with a supportive, nurturing environment will help strengthen the learning process. Parents must allow their chilred to make choices and simple decision making so that children will achieve a reliable sense of right and wrong. Language helps to shape the brain, and teaching children to speak according to Jerome Brunner helps them not only organized words in a sentence but also helps organize their minds. Children need many types of language experiences which include being read with and also participation in family conversation. Storytelling, nursery rhyme and reading enrich the language experience. Parents must spend time with oral language activities for a strong foundation in reading and spelling (Graue. 1992). There are several factors affecting the school readiness of public kindergarten pupils namely: maturation, relevance of materials and methods of instruction, emotional attitude, personal adjustment, social status and tribe. Other contributors to the readiness gap are environmental stress, family income, parents’ literacy, nutrition premature birth, health, early childcare, experiences, low birth weight and genetic endowment. Maturation affects the readiness of the kindergarteners because the child has not reach yet a sufficient stage of mental and physical development needed to perform school tasks characteristics of that particular grade level which entails a higher level of performance than that of which he has at the moment. Experiences determine the kindergarten readiness for learning. Exposure to environment and varied activities will help the child learn. Children learn from seeing, hearing, touching and these experiences will help the child get to know his environment better. To interpret reality, children must experience their surroundings through imagination and discovery. Rooted in the experience of early childhood are the values that individuals will carve for themselves in later years, their capacity to live according these values, and their attitudes towards themselves and the human community. (Bredekamp,1987). Research shows that relevance of materials and methods of interest affects children’s readiness; children are more ready to learn if the material meet their needs and fits their interest. They are more ready to learn if they are having fun doing the tasks. (Karweit,1988) Emotional attitude and personal adjustment plays a great influence in children’s readiness. Emotional stress blocks them from learning especially those resulting from unmet needs, rejection from home, over protection, experience of failures, home difficulties, poverty, peace conflict, and other related issues. ( Shepard and Smith, 1986). Greg Duncan and Katherine Magnuson documented that children who live in poverty with poor socio-economic status are more likely not ready for kindergarten school since their parents will most likely spend for basic needs than materials for learning like books and other learning kits . Parents in families with low socio-economic status are less likely to talk with. Read with. And teach young children since they would rather spend their time looking for sources of income. Environmental stress affects school readiness according to Kimberly Noble, N. Tottenham, and B. J. Casey. They explained that chronic stress or abuse in childhood can impair development of the hippocampus the region of the brain involved in learning and memory, and reduces a child’s cognitive ability. Thus the impact of stress on brain development during childhood may explain a large portion of the gap in school readiness. Health is another factor that affects school readiness according to Janet Currie, child’s health combined with maternal health and behavior may account for success or failure of kindergarten pupils. Children’s who are not in the best health condition may not be always present in the classroom those will be missing development of skills and knowledge. Nancy Reichman reported that premature birth and low birth weight can seriously impair cognitive development. A renting which include nurturance, discipline, and home base teaching are greatly link to the development of children’s cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Feelings of self-worth develop as a child feels good about his environment and the way he interacts in that environment. The most important gift a parent could give his child is quality time. Children need unhurried periods to explore and experiment, to understand and affirm through idea of freedom. They must also be provided with the security, acceptance, love, thoughtful and appropriate restrictions. (htpp://www. mayoclinic. com/health/kindergarten-readiness) Everyone agrees that a child’s future academic success is dependent on being ready to learn and participate in a successful kindergarten experience. Yet, defining (readiness) can be a very difficult task. Due to children’s different prekindergarten education experiences and development, they enter kindergarten with varying skills, knowledge, and level of preparedness. Parents and teachers have different expectations for what children should know and be able to do before starting kindergarten. Furthermore, discussions of readiness do not always include how schools and community can enhance and support children’s and kindergarten readiness. It is within this premise that the researcher would want to conduct a study and find out the factors affecting the school readiness of public kindergarten pupils in Lanao Del Sur 1 B. Theoretical Framework This study is anchor on various theoretical perspectives. Several theories of child development of child development and learning have influenced discussions of school readiness. These have had profound impact on kindergarten readiness practice. These three theories include the maturationist, environmentalist, and constructive perspective of development (Powell, 1991). Maturationist Theory The maturationist theory was advanced by the work of Arnild Gessell. Maturationists believe that development is a biological process that occurs automatically in predictable, sequential stages over time (Hunt, 1969). This perspective leads many educators and families to assume that young children will knowledge naturally and automatically as they grow up physically and ecome older, provided that they are healthy (Demarest, Reisner, Anderson, Humphrey, Farquhar, and Stein, 1993). School readiness, according to maturationist is a state at which all healthy young children arrive when they can perform tasks such as reciting the alphabet and counting; these tasks are for learning more complex tasks such as reading and arithmetic. Because development and school readiness occur naturally and automatically, maturationist believe the best practice are for parents to teach young children to recite the alphabet and count while being patient and waiting children to become ready for kindergarten. If a child is developmentally unready for school, maturationist might suggest referrals to transitional kindergartens, retention, or holding educators, and parents when a young child developmentally lags behind his or her peers. The young child’s underperform at the level of his or her peers. Environmentalist Theory Theorist as John Watson, B.F. Skinner, and Albert Bandura contributes greatly to the environmentalist perspective of development. Environmentalist believe the child’s environment shapes learning and behavior; in fact, human behavior, development, and learning are though of as reactions of the environment. This perspective leads many families, schools, and educators to assume that young children and acquire new knowledge by reacting their surroundings. Kindergarten readiness, according to the environmentalist, is the age or stage when young children can respond appropriately to the environment of the school and the classroom (e.g. , rules and regulations, curriculum activities, positive behavior in group settings and directions and instructions from teachers and other adults in school). The ability to respond appropriately to this environment is necessary for young children to participate in teacher initiated learning activities. Success is dependent on the child following instructions from the teachers or the adult in the classroom. Many environmentalist-influenced educators and parents believe that young children lean best by rote activities. Such as reciting the alphabet over and over, copying letters, and tracing numbers. This viewpoint is evident in kindergarten classrooms where young children are expected to sit at desk arranged in rows and listens attentively to their teachers. At home, parents may provide their young children with workbooks containing such activities as coloring or tracing letters and numbers-activities that require little interaction between parents and child. When young children are unable to respond appropriately to the classroom and school environment, they often are labeled as having some form of leaning disabilities and are tracked in classroom with curriculum designed to control their behavior and responses. Constructivist Theory The constructivist perspective of readiness and development was advanced by theorist such as Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori, and Lev Vygotsky. Although their work varies, each articulates a similar context of learning and development. They are consistent in their belief that learning and development occur when young children interact with the environment and people around them (Hunt, 1969). Constructivist view young children as active participant in the learning process. In addition, constructivists believe young children initiate most of the activities required for learning and development. Because active interaction with the environment and people are necessary for learning and development, constructivist believe that children are ready for school when they can initiate many of the interactions they have with the environment and people around them. Conceptual Theory This study takes into account the independent variables and dependent variables. The socio demographic factors which include age, sex, health, parents’ literacy, socio-economic status, experience, child abuse and child stress. The independent variables are presumed to affect or influence the dependent variables which are the school readiness of kindergarten pupils which include gross motor skills, fine motor skills, visual discrimination skills, auditory discrimination skills, language skills, math-numeracy skills, and social-emotional behaviors. Base on the outcome of this studies, the writer aims to find the factors affecting the school readiness of the kindergarten pupils to insure that this children will have an opportunity to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities. Furthermore it aims to encourage the parent to have hands-on training of their children. The researchers seeks to encourage the teachers to recognize pupils individual differences, re-enforce and extend their strengths, assist them in overcome their difficulties and develop in them sensitivity to community values. Finally, the writer would want to learn what the public kindergarten pupils in Lanao Del Sur 1 B know and able to do as they enter kindergarten level. The writer wishes to find an in-depth study for the strengths and needs of individual learners, motivation for learning instruction, and interventions. The researcher believes the child’s inputs, reflections, and self evaluation are essential to the process of leaning and development. ? Schematic Presentation of the Conceptual Framework of the Study Independent Variables Dependent VariablesResult Statement of the problem This study seeks to investigate the factors affecting the school readiness of public kindergarten pupils. It is the objective of the researcher to determine whether or not age, sex, health, parent’s literacy, socio-economic status, experience, child stress, child abuse, and socio-emotional behavior can affect or influence the school readiness. This study also aims to answer the following propositions: 1. ) What are the factors affecting the public school kindergarten pupils in terms of: 1. 1Gross motor skill 1. 2Fine motor skill 1. 3Visual discrimination skills 1. 4Auditory discrimination skills 1. 5Language skill 1. 6Math-numeracy awareness 1. 7Social-emotional behavior 2. ) What are parents, community stake holders, teachers, and schools intervention program to enhance pupil readiness for kindergarten? 3. ) Is there a significant relationship between this interventions and pupil’s school readiness? Scope and limitation of the study This study is conducted in the public Central School in Lanao Del Sur 1 B in the school year 2011-2012. The study is focused on the factor affecting the school readiness of puplic kindergarten pupils in Lanao Del Sur 1 B. The pupils, teacher, and parents are randomly selected. Data are gathered through the questioner which is composed of pupils, teachers, and parents questioners. This study is delimited to the public kindergarten pupils in the Central School in Lanao Del Sur 1 B. Significance of the study. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the school readiness of public kindergarten pupils to give life on the perceptions of the parents, teachers, and school administrators. Furthermore, it wishes to determine if parenting and nurturance, maturation, health condition, experience, teachers expectation, and school curriculum has some important role in the school readiness of the kindergarten pupil. This study would investigate the underlying reasons/factors which affect the school readiness of the kindergarteners. Finally this study aims to be a significant contribution to provide opportunity to enhance the skill, knowledge, and abilities of the pupil. This study will provide an assessment of young children not only in measuring it but in their ability to work through activities, to solve problems, to work independently, and to reflect on their thinking. To The pupils- this study could assist the young learners to respond appropriately to the environment of the home, classroom and community (rules and regulations, curriculum activities, positive behavior in group setting, directions and instruction from the teacher other adults in the school). To The parents- this study will help the parents to provide appropriate time and management to engage their children in learning task such as reading and writing the alphabet, basic counting skills, identification of colors, size and shape. This will also encourage the parents to be patient and loving, waiting for their children to become developmentally ready for kindergarten. The parents are urge to provide their young children with workbooks containing such activities in coloring, tracing letters and numbers. To The teachers- this research study will help the teacher to understand and support the child natural curiosity and the diverse way in which the child learns. The teacher is also encourage to give the child some individualized attention and customize the classroom curriculum to help the child address his difficulties. To The school administrators- being conscious of the factors affecting the school readiness of the kindergarten pupils the school  administrators could provide small classes with higher teacher-pupil ratio, teacher with bachelor degree and training in early childhood education, parents-teacher training component that will re-enforce what teacher are doing in school to enhance children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. To The Curriculum Makers- this study will give a new perspective that will lead to the formulation of a curriculum that is cognitively stimulating and child center base. To The Community of Lanao Del Sur 1 B- this study will act as a catalyst for positive change. Local government and community agencies will have to work together to enhance programs for the learning development of kindergarten pupils. Definition of terms The terms use in this study is conceptually and operationally define for better understanding and clarity. Maturation – conceptually defined as the appropriate stage of mental and physical development, when a child is ready to perform school tasks characteristics of that particular grade . Operationally it means the chronological age of a child which is legally acceptable to enter a grade level. Experience – means the teaching exposure, learning materials, methods of learning, practices, facilities, and structures in home and in environment which help the child learns and develops in ways that are most natural and suitable for their ages and levels of maturity. Operationally defined as the results of work done by the child in whom the child retains memory, mastery, knowledge, and skills. School readiness – conceptually means the ability to cope, learn, and achieve without undue stress. This is the proficiency level of the child in specific area of a grade level. It is also the developmental stage whom the child is ready to learn new things. Operationally it means that the child is already of age to enroll in a grade level. This could also mean that the child has the ability to participate in classroom activities, work as instructed and cooperate with his classmates in group works. Fine motor development – means the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. These skills are essential to complete task such as writing, tracing, cutting, holding things, moving little pieces of object, putting together of parts of a whole. These skills are needed in taking precision in the hand-eye coordination. Gross motor skills- are the developmental awareness and coordination of large muscles activity. These skills are needed in walking, running, jumping, dancing, and playing. Visual discrimination skills- means the ability to visually differentiate the forms, and symbols in the environment . This is needed in the matching, and sorting of colors, sizes, shapes, and quantities. Visual memory skills – means the ability to recall accurately prior visual experience. It is also the ability to remember what has been done. Heard, touched, smelled, and tasted and seen.. Auditory discrimination skills refer to the ability to receive and differentiate auditory stimuli. It is the capacity and ability to identify ,distinguish, imitate, differentiate the sounds heard. Auditory memory skills – means the ability to retain and recall auditory information. It also means the ability to remember, recite, repeat, tell, and do what is heard. Receptive language skills – refers to the ability to express oneself verbally, to say what the child thinks and feels and to engage in simple group conversations. Comprehension skills – refers to the judgment and reason as the child understands his environment. It is the ability to make comparisons, understand differences and recognized cause and effect. Social – emotional behavior – refer to the ability to relate meaningfully to others and be accepted in both one-on-one and group emotions. This also means the ability to act among other children, to cooperate with the group, to show feelings, and to demonstrate responsibility. Math and number awareness – refers to the ability to identify and recognize numerals, to count on, recognize patterns, and sorting and classifying of objects.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Computers and How They Impact Our Lives Essay

Have you ever thought about how much computers have been integrated into our lives? Personally speaking there is not a day that goes by that I don’t sit down in front of a computer for something. Computers play a large role in the way that businesses are run, the days of type writers and filing cabinets are a thing of the past. We can access information about almost anything on the internet, such as banking records, insurance information, shopping, technical assistance the possibilities are almost limitless. Looking at the history of computers they really haven’t been around that long. Frederic Golden writer for Time magazine tells us this on the history of computers If you look at most history books, they’ll tell you ENIAC (for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first true all-purpose electronic computer. Unveiled in 1946 in a blaze of publicity, it was a monstrous 30-ton machine, as big as two semis and filled with enough vacuum tubes (19,000), switches (6,000) and blinking lights to require an army of attendants. Capable of adding 5,000 numbers in a second, a then unheard of feat, it could compute the trajectory of an artillery shell well before it landed. This machine was a remarkable achievement for its time but it doses not even begin to compare to the average personal computer that people have in their homes today. In its short 57 year span of history computer technology has increased at an unprecedented rate. Businesses are very dependant on computers, email, printing, data storage, internet access, data analyst are just a few of the thing that people take for granted in everyday business. Email has revolutionized the way we communicate and has become one of the most critical systems in business today. Servers are the back bone of almost every business. They handle many of the things that are essential for people to do their jobs. From email to file storage, printing and databases, these are just a few of the jobs that they perform. The complexity of what is going on behind the seen is unimaginable to the common person doing their job. Your basic end users have  no idea about how much work that is involved to maintain the systems that they use every day. Computer networking is an area that I find to be very interesting. The ability to access information on a server thousands of miles from where you are amazes me. For instance, Joe Smith is traveling to England and he wants to access his work email while he is there. He arrives at his hotel, turns on his notebook and plugs it into a phone line, signs on to the internet and gets his mail. To the user this seems like something simple but what is going on in the back ground is far more complex than he can ever imagine. I was watching the news a few months ago, and there was a doctor that could control a robotic device and perform surgery on a patient, via a high speed connection thousands of miles away. We have gone from a machine that performs simple calculations to a machine that enables a doctor to perform surgery on patient thousands of miles away in 57 years. Where will we be heading in the next 50 years? What you would think to be science fiction is becoming reality, Ascribe Higher Education News Service, Oct 8, 2003 wrote this article on DNA research at Purdue University â€Å"They have precisely placed strands of DNA on a silicon chip and then stretched out the strands so that their encoded information might be read more clearly, two steps critical to possibly using DNA for future electronic devices and computers.† The possibilities for the future are exciting when you reflect on how far we have come already. We are just beginning to scratch the surface of our potential with computers. Computers play an important part in our society; from our personal life to large corporations they are integrated into our lives. Some of the most basic and common tasks that we perform today such as driving cars or even turning on a light is made possible by computers. The advancements we’ve made over the last 57 years have been substantial, but what we will accomplish in the future will be even more amazing. References Ascribe Higher Education News Service, Oct 8, 2003 Purdue Researchers Stretch DNA on Chip, Lay Track for Future from the InfoTrac database Time, March 29, 1999 Title: Who Built The First Computer? (TIME 100)(Brief Article) from the InfoTrac database

Reasons of the Present World's Explosive State Essay

Reasons of the Present World's Explosive State - Essay Example As the paper outlines, Huntington argues that after the cold war the world, which was divided along the ideological and economic status of states, has changed. The old dividing lines of ideological orientation and economic status are to be replaced by the fresh lines of â€Å"culture and civilization†. With these new demarcations, Huntington divided the world in â€Å"Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African civilization†. Therefore, he asserts that the conflicts in future got to be along these fault lines. He reinforces his argument by giving four reasons: Firstly, the differences in civilization are â€Å"basic and real† thus are rigid and will cause conflict, which necessarily does not mean â€Å"violence†. Secondly, because of technological advancements, the world has become more interactive and so does civilizations, resultantly the emergence of â€Å"civilization consciousness† and â₠¬Å"animosities†. Third the process of â€Å"economic modernization and social change† has brought new identities in focus. Fourth, the dual role of the West. Finally, the uncompromising nature of cultural characteristics as compared to political or economic interests. The â€Å"centuries-old military interaction† between Arabs (Islam in particular) and West is a testimony to the existence of civilization fault line between these two, which will widen in the absence of other ideology i.e. Communism. Amy Chua, on the other hand, indicates that the unrest in the world is because of three factors: free markets, democracy, and ethnic hatred.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chinese Culture and Modern Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chinese Culture and Modern Therapy - Essay Example Representatives of different cultures have diverse values, demonstrate varying behaviors, adopt different perspectives, and in some cases even varied susceptibility to diseases. Cultural differences are more profound than individual variations due to patient illness, social class, economic status, or educational background. A popular view among health professionals is that showing respect is the key to resolving absolute majority of cultural problems. Unfortunately, this simple recipe is not always effective: the profound differences between Chinese and American cultures presented below demonstrate that respect is only one aspect of cultural competence. Chinese culture is characterized by specific attitude toward self. Thus, American Peter Hessler claims this to be the biggest difference between the West and what he observed while teaching literature in one of the Chinese provinces: "the sense of self seemed largely external; you were identified by the way that others viewed you" (Hessler 2001: 282). This difference is also reflected on the famous Geert Hofstede's model of cultural value orientation. The model consists of five dimensions, one of which is individualism. This dimension reveals the degree to which the society reinforces individual or collective achievement. In case the IDV index is high, individuality and individual rights are emphasized by the society: citizens in such societies rely primarily upon themselves, and form a little number of closer relationships. If the IDV is low, the society is characterized by high degree of collectivism and closer relationships between individuals: such societies reinforce extended families and collectives with responsibility being shared between all members. The difference between the United States and China is literally striking on this dimension: the U.S. ranks at 91 on Hofstede's scale (100 points is maximum) while China - at only 15, which is the lowest score (Hofstede, 2003). The high ranking for the United States indicates a society with a more individualistic attitude and relatively loose bonds with others. Self-reliance is the most distinctive feature of such society. The low ranking of Chine indicates and absolutely different system of attitudes toward self and implies much closer bonds with others. Consequently, American health practitioners adopt more patient-centered approach putting emphasis on autonomy of the patients and their "right to know" precisely because American culture paying relatively little attention to social groups (including families) they belong to. This attitude is not common in Chinese health care because it contradicts the cultural orientation toward collectivism. The custom in Chinese culture is to first inform a patient's family about a prognosis, especially when the prognosis is bad. After that the family makes a decision about the information the patient himself should receive. Members of Chinese and other similar cultural groups may feel that it would be wrong and insensitive to inform the patient about the risks associated with his illness: "this would only cause the patient great stress and even hasten death by destroying hope" (Galanti, 2000:335). Treatment decisions made by Chinese patients are strongly influenced by the family or social groups t hey are affiliated with. Therefore, involvement of family members in the process of treatment is likely to make the therapy

Saturday, July 27, 2019

This is a rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

This is a rewrite - Essay Example After taking the course, certification is necessary to identify qualified nurses, and show their level of competence. This is useful in ensuring efficiency of their services are enhanced, which is beneficial to all stakeholders in the health sector. During the evaluation stage, each nurse is asked questions and the level of competency in answering the questions correctly indicates how knowledgeable s/he is. This process is necessary to identify slow and fast learners and the best method to be used in coaching each group to ensure that their skills are greatly improved. In United States of America, certification is a requirement during the recruitment of various health professionals to ensure that they are in a capacity to meet the need of the patients effectively and in a timely manner. This leads to higher level of confidence on the practitioners, which is very essential in undertaking challenging tasks. Theoretical knowledge background is very useful when undertaking practical acti vities as it reduces the probability of commission of errors as well as being in a position to make sound judgement when in critical situations. There are different theories that are used to address various situations we encounter, but the choice of the theory to be applied is dependent on its capacity to handle the situation at hand. In this case, the information presented during learning is in line with constructivism learning theory, which argues on the importance of experience in the development of knowledge; it derives its roots from cognitive psychology. In this regard, the teaching strategies to be implemented are aimed at having a long lasting impact on the learner, by ensuring that they will be better placed to use the knowledge in future. To ensure that they have gained from the learning process, evaluation is necessary and will be carried out in line with the class setting as well as the materials available. Practice test and verbal communication evaluation approaches wil l be used to evaluate the capability of learners presenting various concepts that were covered during the training as well as their capacity to apply the knowledge gained to the practical field. While undertaking the training, the level and type of interaction among the learners can be used to gauge their understanding of the concepts presented. Integration of the practical aspects and the theoretical aspect of learning is necessary in ensuring that the learners are well versed with the applicability of the theoretical concepts learnt. In this case, understanding the anatomy and the cycles in the body is indispensible. This approach brings forth conversation between the instructor and the learners, whereby the learners can pose various questions and get them answered by the instructor. Additionally, the presence of a physical specimen is thought provoking and thus useful to the learners’ intellectual development. Additionally, learners are able to work in teams and improve on their interpersonal interactions, which is necessary for their professional development The rationale to be used in the learning process is aimed at strengthening the current knowledge and using it for further professional development, which is in line with the constructivism learning theory. The communication exercise provides an effective platform for understanding the lung sounds. Through training, various challenges encountered in the medical field are addressed, and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Admission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Admission - Essay Example It has been observed that regular endurance exercise drastically mitigates the risk of falling victim to such diseases. Successful individuals have to adopt a hectic schedule in their day to day life. This has become inevitable, and causes very high levels of physical and mental stress. I have discovered that regular exercise relieves such stress and makes me highly energetic and enthusiastic. Therefore, I have made exercise an essential component of my daily routine. One of the best private research universities in the world is the University of Southern California, which is located in Los Angeles. It is an international hub for arts, international trade and technology. This university has more international students than any other university in the US. In addition, it provides vast and varied opportunities for internships and studying abroad. The education imparted at the University of Southern California is a well planned amalgam of professional and liberal education. This university has engendered a lively culture of public service, and inspires its students to transcend geographic and academic limits, whilst undergoing the process of acquiring knowledge. The number of students is more than 30,000, whilst that of the permanent faculty is more than 3,000. When it comes to selectivity, the University of Southern California, occupies the top 1 %. This distinction was achieved under the able guidance of its 10th president. It goes without saying that this highly esteemed institution, has emerged as the pioneer in communications, technologies related to multimedia, the life sciences and in a number of inter discipline areas of research. There has been a fivefold increase in its endowment, and it has been praised throughout the length and breadth of the nation, for its novel means of providing service, learning programs and concern for the community. In

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Feminism Blog Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Feminism Blog Analysis - Essay Example The main similarity between the two sites chosen for analysis is the responsibility they take on themselves in regard to what they are writing about. In particular, the content of the blogs suggests that both sites consider treating everyone with equal respect important; also, protecting women and standing up against sexism is in the focus. In a narrower sense, the two sites both agree that women’s reproductive rights should not be restricted. They argue that women should have the ability to choose whether, how, and when they have or not have children. The sites also highlight the idea that women’s reproductive rights are affected at different levels, such as economy, medicine, education, criminal justice, government, community, and others. The use of social media has played a significant role in the modern feminist movement as well as in how it is perceived in the society. In fact, social media gives young women an opportunity to use their voices in a larger audience. Social media makes feminist activism more democratic, which means that anyone can participate in it. It removes geographical barriers and, thus, makes it possible for millions to unite as it facilitates public dialogues independent of the participants’ location. One of the examples of the co-called networked feminism is the wide use of hashtags that gives the possibility to groups messages on the issue and, consequently, to make it easier to get the information and check the messages which include it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Razer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Razer - Essay Example There is a proper database with back-end and front-end that stores all information regarding the gaming inventory, personnel, and customers. 3. To protect their information systems and data, Razer is implementing many important security measures. There are security architectures like AWS, GCE, Azure, and Rackspace. Web application firewalls, IDS/IPS, network security monitoring, and log management solutions are some of the few aspects of the information security systems implemented in Razer gaming solutions. Highly qualified personnel run the security systems. All of these information security measures ensure that the data remains secure and protected within the company, and that it does not get into the hands of unauthorized persons. 4. I would suggest creating a comprehensive technology plan which would include methodical replacement of aging workstations. The plan would include regular appraisal of emerging technologies. I would consider how the nature of the company is changing and at what pace, so as to make appropriate changes to the system. I would schedule periodic maintenance downtime to manage system updates and virus scans. I would also like to train the personnel according to the best international standards. 5. The company is marketing its gaming hardware and other gaming services through online social networks and online advertisements. The business process of marketing is being supported by this method. When people surf the internet or use online social networks to get connected to each other, they come across the advertisements placed by the company. This way, they get familiar with all the new gaming hardware that the company is providing. They can click on the advertisements and get to know which service is best for them and which gaming hardware they want to buy. The existing social media infrastructure stores all conversations on

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How Important is it for managers today to have a good understanding of Essay

How Important is it for managers today to have a good understanding of the process of globalization - Essay Example (Steger, 2003: p. 37) With regards to the large supply of available work force in the labour market, medium- and large-scale businesses are taking advantage of hiring competitive employees. Likewise, it is also crucial for businesses today to actively participate in the trading of goods and services in the world market. As part of discussing the valid reasons that makes it important for modern managers today to have a good understanding of the process of globalization, a literature review will be conducted in the study. To give the readers a better understanding of the subject matter, the first part of the literature review will discuss about the general information and the main purpose of globalization followed by analyzing the factors that makes it important for modern managers to have a good understanding of the globalization process. To determine how well modern managers understand the globalization process, a structured personal interview with two selected managers combined with a Globalization is â€Å"a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different countries which is driven by international trade and investment through the use of information technology.† (The Levin Institute, 2008) Basically, the concept of globalization allows business people to maximize their available financial resources by taking advantage of the low-cost products and services that are readily available from developing countries. Because of the differences in monetary exchange rate, large-scale businesses from developed countries are able to purchase more homogenous products and highly competitive human resources at a much lesser price. Therefore, large multinational companies could easily compete with small-scale local businesses by being able to offer homogenous products to its target

The Use of Force Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Use of Force - Essay Example The story was simple and straightforward in narrative discourse which proffered the scenario between a doctor, the narrator, and a child, Mathilda Olson, who was being diagnosed for possible affliction of diphtheria. The setting was in the Olson’s house, where the doctor was initially ushered by the mother who eventually led him to the kitchen, where the father was holding the child and was apparently sitting on the father’s lap. The two items being compared in the essay is the doctor (the narrator or the healer) and the child (the person being healed). The current essay aims to provide a comparative analysis using relevant literary elements from the characters, theme, perspectives and points of views evaluated from the short story. The first point of comparison is the physical traits or characteristics of the items being compared. There is initially disparity in gender: the doctor was described as male and the child was female. Although no name was provided for the doc tor, the statements that gave way to his gender was the mother’s statements as she was talking to the child: â€Å"Such a nice man, put in the mother. Look how kind he is to you. Come on, do what he tells you to. He won't hurt you† (Williams, 2012, par. 15). The child’s gender was clearly identified by the doctor in the fourth paragraph when he vividly described her physical traits and characteristics; using adjectives such as: â€Å"her cold, steady eyes, and no expression to her face whatever. She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet; an unusually attractive little thing, and as strong as a heifer in appearance. But her face was flushed, she was breathing rapidly, and I realized that she had a high fever. She had magnificent blonde hair† (Williams, 2012, par. 4). Aside from gender as a point of comparison, the stature of the two is also anti-thetical. The doctor, by virtue of his profession, exudes professionalism and expertise on the most appropria te course of action for the situation. This is the reason why he was called by the Olsons in the first place. On the other hand, the child was

Monday, July 22, 2019

Impact of New Deal on Maerican Government and Society Essay Example for Free

Impact of New Deal on Maerican Government and Society Essay FDR’s New Deal changed the face of American government. Never before and no one since has implemented so many government programs and agencies. FDR’s New Deal helped the US get out of the Great Depression. The new deal expanded the federal government’s power like never before and was designed to help Americans who were suffering. FDRs new deal can be broken down into two categories: The first New Deal and the Second New Deal When FDR took office, he and his advisors did not have an exact plan or initial philosophy drawn up, but rather, they made it up as they went along. They were willing to do anything and everything to help bring the country out of the great depression, especially through the work of capitalism. To get his plan rolling, the first thing FDR needed to do was to restore confidence in the American people and get them on his side. He did so he went on the radio many times out of the year and told them what he was working on and what he had done that week which became known as â€Å"fireside chats. † The first thing FDR did in the first new deal was restore faith in financial institutions, and more so in capitalism. One thing FDR tries to do is have the public confident in banking system so that people would invest and could later have a healthy stock market. Immediately, he declared a bank holiday, and all banks had to close for a number of days. While the banks were closed, he sent in teams of financial investigators to determine which banks were viable and which were deemed unreliable. If deemed unviable, it could not reopen until it fixed its problems. Next, FDR created the SEC. The SEC was created to regulate the stock market, so the faulty trading that caused the crash could not occur again. The SEC also required companies who traded stock to make their financial books made public, and was ultimately designed to get people to invest in stock market again. Later, FDR created the FDIC. The FDIC was a government agency that was to ensure bank deposits as long as the bank met certain criteria. These 3 are careful steps of the gov’t working within the established system and basically put gov’t regulation in place to make sure the economy worked correctly. The second entity in the first new deal was an attempt to end the economic downturn. To do this, FDR needed to create jobs and help the economic markets. First, FDR created the NRA. The NRA set up a voluntary committee consisting of workers, business owners, and gov’t officials for every industry in the country. These committees would discuss production limits (which FDR believed overproduction was the cause of the GD), minimum prices, and wages. This did not work well because it was voluntary and businesses would usually break their part of the agreement. Next, FDR created AAA. This set up a government agency to pay farmers to produce less. FDR believed crop prices fell due to overproduction and that the AAA would solve this in two ways: 1, farmers would produce less therefore increasing crop prices and 2: by giving farmers much needed cash in return for not producing. Lastly, FDR created the TVA. This government agency created jobs by going into valleys to build hydroelectric dams that not only stop flooding, but create electricity. The AAA and TVA are considered very bold moves by the president because it allowed gov’t to interfere with private industry, and can even be argued as socialism. The last thing FDR wanted to do with the first new deal was provide direct relief to individuals. First, FDR gave states federal grants to buy food for those who needed it. Second, he created the CCC. This government agency gave men whose parents were unemployed jobs in the federal park/forest system. This program paid men around 30$ a month, of which 25$ would go to their parents, but it also clothed and fed them. This agency created jobs by having these men plant trees, build roads, trails, and bridges. Even though we did not need these things, the government was basically saying they would be the employer of last resort if the private sector was not supplying jobs. Third, FDR created FHA. This government agency was created to ensure home loans, so banks would again give out to potential home buyers. This was important because it put an influx of capital into the system. The characteristic of these three agencies was that the gov’t is beginning to say that everyone should have basic standards of living and that if they are ot there, the gov’t will be able to provide them, and even goes much further later on. After the first new deal, FDR received criticism from both from the left and the right political spectrums. Those on the right would say that the New Deal was â€Å"gov’t expansion gone crazy† and a radical departure from the past. They would also argue that it was dangerous gov’t intervention putting US on path of socialism. The Supreme Court, which was very conservative at the time, saw this as a dangerous expansion of federal government power and struck down the AAA and NRA as unconstitutional. FDR got most criticism from right from a popular radio speaker named Charles Coughlin who believed the GD/New deal was part of a Jewish conspiracy. On the left side of the spectrum, one would say that the New Deal did very little and not enough. FDR was criticized by the left primarily by Huey Long. He claimed wealthy Americans controlled all wealth and the only way to fix that was to give it back to common people. It was by far the most radical offer, and although Long was murdered, FDR believed left critique could still resonate and created the second new deal. Because of these criticisms, FDR unrolls the second new deal to answer those on the left. The second new deal had all the same goals as the first, but was much more radical. First, he created the REA. This government agency loaned to local communities that did not have electricity so that they could create their own power companies and run electricity to those who didn’t have it because private companies were only willing to supply to heavily populated areas. Here, the government is saying they will help provide a basis of living. Next, FDR created the WPA. This program was designed to put people to work since the private sector was not providing any jobs. It created construction jobs, employed painters to decorate buildings, hired actors and writers to put on play, etc. Third, FDR created the largest program of the new dealsocial security. It was divided into 3 categories: retirement (which took a portion of your paycheck and saved it), unemployment (which gave you a check for the first 6 months unemployed), and money for single mothers. The characteristic of SS was that it insured basic standards of living. Lastly, FDR created the NLRB, which forever changed the ov’ts relationship with unions. It made unions legal and made it illegal to fire someone for being in a union. The new deal was the largest expansion of government in history and had three basic characteristics: new role of organized labor, government ensuring basic standards, and government intervention in the economy. However, it did not end the Great depression. Despite this, it made the great depression tolerable, restored middle class belief in capitalism, put in place a â€Å"safety system† for capitalism that essentially made capitalism work better (sec, nrwb), and we continue to live with many of these programs today.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Identification of Finger Prints, Blood and DNA

Identification of Finger Prints, Blood and DNA INTRODUCTION Forensic science is widely used in the service of the justice system (Jackson). It has helped in solving cases by providing important clues and evidences. The usage of forensics in solving crime cases is inevitable. Forensic sciences is used in various areas like fingerprinting, DNA profiling, blood stain detection and many more. From the early days of complicated body measurements to todays sophisticated biometric devices, the identification of individuals by their bodies has been a mainstay of government and law enforcement. Computerized databases like AFIS now make it possible to compare thousands, or in the case of the FBI, millions of fingerprints in minutes. With the advancements in DNA detecting mechanisms, blood stains in the scenes of crimes have also become one of the most important evidences. After a homicide or an assault has been committed, police investigators usually find blood at the scene of the crime. This gives them clues as to what happened during that incident. The bloods texture and shape and how it is distributed around the victim often help investigators determine when and how the crime was committed. A number of techniques have been developed for the identification of fingerprints and blood stains in the crime scene. EVOLUTION IN FINGERPRINTING TECHNIQUES: In the mid-1950s fingerprinting was done using the dangerous mercury-based white powder, a coarse graphite-based black powder and squirrel-hair brushes. With a burst of innovation concerning fingerprint evidence as part of the crime investigation, ninhydrin test was developed. This method is extremely efficient on paper items, especially if the stock solution is added to fluorisol, which prevents writing on the paper from smudging. Ninhydrin reacts with the amino acids in perspiration, producing red, brown, or purple imprints; this is a most successful method of investigating check fraud. During the last decade, other techniques for discovering latent imprints have been developed. These include Super Glue, physical developer, small particle reagent, lasers, metal deposition, Sudan black, amido black, thermoplastic fingerprint powders and radioactive sulfur dioxide. Exceptional powders are available with greatly improved fingerprint brushes to help lots in fingerprinting. DFO is a recent improvement on ninhydrin, providing up to 300% more finger and palm imprints. One other advancement in this area is the use of photoluminescence. Fingerprint luminescence excitation initially used lasers, but filtered lamps are employed as well. This technology helps the forensic scientist to take a picture of the fingerprints immediately at the crime scene. Computers are now used throughout the world for maintaining and searching files of imprints and fingerprints of offenders found at crime scenes. Computer searches of crime scene imprints provide excellent results. The computer blasts through complete collections at fantastic speed, possibly scanning millions of digits, but there is no promise that the offender who made the imprints is not in the collection if identification is not made. Bio-metrics especially fingerprints has become one of the main areas of research. EVOLUTION IN BLOOD STAIN DETECTION TECHNIQUES: Blood is one of the most common physical evidences which is present in murder cases, accidents and violent crime investigations. A determination must be made if it really is blood. Eventhough there have been various tests to detect the presence of blood, the widely used tests are Kastle-Meyer test and the Luminol Test. Luminol is first activated with an oxidant, usually a solution of hydrogen peroxide and a hydroxide salt in water. Then, in the presence of a protein present in blood called hemoglobin, the hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form oxygen and water. Luminol reacts with the hydroxide salt, leading to the formation of a dianion. The oxygen produced from the hydrogen peroxide then reacts with the luminol dianion. This reaction produces an organic peroxide, which is very unstable and hence it immediately decomposes with loss of nitrogen to produce 3-aminophthalic acid (3- APA) in an excited state. As 3-APA relaxes, it releases a visible blue light. Luminol is sensitive to the presence of extremely small amounts of blood. It can detect bloodstains that have been diluted up to 300,000 times. The KM Test is a presumptive test which is used to check the presence of hemoglobin using phenolphthaleins color change in the presence of oxygen. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA: FINGER PRINTING THEORY: Fingerprints often leave residues of oils in the shape of the friction ridges. However, the friction ridge skin does not secrete oils. Some fingerprints will leave a residue of amino acids and other compounds. These principles make dusting techniques to develop fingerprints. (Finger print Powder- Wikipedia the free encyclopedia) CLASSIFICATION OF FINGER PRINT PATTERNS: The following table contains the finger print patterns for the fingers and toes: Right Hand: Thumb:Â  Whorl Index Finger:Â  Whorl Middle Finger: Loop Ring Finger:Â  Whorl Small Finger:Â  Whorl Left Hand: Thumb: Arch Index Finger: Whorl Middle Finger: Loop Ring Finger: Loop Small Finger: Loop The toe prints are all arch expect for the ring toe in the right leg which is whorl. The fingerprints using ink pad for the fingers and toes can be found in Annex C. DIFFERENCE IN PATTERNS BETWEEN FINGERS: The pattern in all the fingers except the left thumb is whorl. This might be the case because the environmental factors within the fetus would have been same for the fingers and hence there is not much change in the pattern between the fingers. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HANDS AND TOES: The finger prints in the hands are very easy to identify when compared to the toes. This is because the fingers are big enough for us to deposit the prints properly. However, the legs are small and since we dont use them like fingers it is very difficult to deposit it even while using the ink pad. Since the whole bodys pressure is on the toe, too much of pressure was applied on the paper by it. Hence the prints werent clear. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OLD AND NEW PRINTS: The old prints are not as bright as the new prints. The old print gets exposed to the atmosphere and hence they react with the air. Hence parts of the print vanish. Hence it is not as evident as the new print. However, the old prints is good enough for matching 16 positions on the finger print and thus easy to the catch the criminal. The old big toe prints deposited wasnt seen when developed by both the magnetic powder as well as the black powder. This is because the print wasnt deposited properly. Too much of sweat on the print made the prints to be smudged when the powders where used to detect their presence. Hence the prints were seen very faintly. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN METHODOLOGIES: The black powder had to be done very carefully since two much of powder made the finger prints to smudge. The magnetic powder was easy in a way because excess magnetic powder could be removed easily. However, the dusting had to be done slowly and such that that the brush wasnt too close to the finger print in order to get the print properly. The ninhydrin test was very easy because we didnt have much to do for it. However, many of my friends prints were pale. This might have been because they didnt apply enough pressure on their papers when they deposited the prints. Since I had applied so much moisture, the finger prints smudged badly and the prints werent clear. Hence I had to repeat the process again. However, the next I exerted too much pressure on the paper which made the fingers to sweat too much leading to smudging. Also the amount of time given to register the finger prints was too less. Out of the three methodologies used in this lab I find the ninhydrin solution test to be the most efficient one. This is because for because the human influence in this method was very less. Since we were beginners in this lab, we didnt have a proper idea of how much powder had to be used for these methods. Thus I prefer the ninhydrin solution method for fingerprinting especially for beginners. FINGER PRINT LIFTING: The dusting for finger printing lifting was done using the magnetic powder since excess powder could be easily taken away. However, when I lifted it the first time, a lot of air bubbles where formed which made half of the finger prints to vanish. Also since I had not given enough time for my finger prints to settle the prints werent clear when dusting. Hence I tried to avoid these when I lifted the second time. I pressed gently and allowed the prints and gave some time so that the prints to settle. While using the tape I made sure there were no bubbles. Hence I was able to lift a proper print of my right thumb finger using the lifter. IDENTIFICATION OF BLOOD STAINS: THEORY: The Kastle-Meyer test is a forensic presumptive test which is used to examine if the dried stains in a violent crime scene is composed of blood. The test is based on the peroxide-mediated oxidation of reduced phenolphthalein. In this reaction the heme molecule acts as a catalyst. The chemical indicator used in this test is phenolphthalein C20H14O4, a common acid-base indicator which turns pink, in basic solutions with a pH of approximately 8 or higher.. Phenolphthalein, a clear dye, immediately turns pink if oxidized by hemoglobin and hydrogen peroxide. There are three reagents involved in this test. To increase the sensitivity of the test the reagent, Methyl or Ethyl alcohol is used. It does this by cleaning up the area in and around the bloodstain to better expose the hemoglobin. Phenolphthalein, the second reagent acts as a color indicator. This solution when oxidized (exposed to oxygen), turns pink. Hydrogen Peroxide is the 3% form typically found in drugstores. Hydrogen peroxide is essentially water with an extra oxygen atom attached to it. These chemical reactions are further stated using the following equations: This test is nondestructive to the sample. Hence the sample can be kept and used in further tests at the lab. This test has the same reaction with human blood and animal blood. So, further investigation is required to determine whether it is human or animal blood. ANALYSIS: The blood stain turned pink instantly after adding all the three reagents stating the presence of blood. When the reagents where added to copper powder, it turned pink even before the addition of the hydrogen peroxide showing giving a false result . Thus it is vitally important to add the reagent first, then wait a few seconds, then add the hydrogen peroxide. Ketchup didnt change at all showing the absence of hemoglobin. Whereas, cabbage solution turned yellow. Beetroot and ribena solutions turned colourless due to their neutral nature with very very slight pink tinge occurring due to their natural colour. Hence except for copper there werent any false positive tests in the samples which were recognized. LIMITATIONS: Eventough Kastle-Meyer test can detect blood upto dilutions of 1:107, there are many limitations for this test. In the presence of vegetable peroxidases, like in horseradish, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. the test gives a false positive result. Oxidizing species present in the sample also causes this test to fail. (Kastle-Meyer test:Limitations) For example when this test was performed for copper powder the Kastle-Meyer reagent turned pink even before hydrogen peroxide was added to it. Thus it is very much important that we wait for a few seconds after the reagent is added and then only we need to add hydrogen peroxide. The Kastle-Meyer test gives positive results to both human blood as well as animal blood. In general, it gives a positive result to all hemoglobin containing blood.. In order to ensure that the blood is really from a human species, a confirmatory test such as the Ouchterlony Test is performed. (Kastle-Meyer test:Limitations) In short, color catalytic tests are very sensitive in nature. The negative results from these tests show that these samples do not hemoglobin and so it is not blood. However, the positive results need not be correct in all cases. It is noteworthy to mention here that false positive tests occur due to the presence of a reducing agents, animal blood, peroxidases and many more. (Kastle-Meyer test:Limitations) FINGER PRINT PATTERNS IN IDENTICAL TWINS: When a fertilized egg splits into two, it leads to a development of two embryos. This leads to the development of Identical twins. Since the twins are formed from the same egg, their DNA is identical. The interactions between the environment in the fetus and the genes, plays an important role in the fingerprints and the appearance of a person. The environmental factors include blood pressure, nutrition, etc. (Twins Fingerprints: Identical Twins and fingerprints) The genes thus play an important role in depicting the fingerprint patterns in humans. The skin of the finger is in contact with various parts of the fetus and anionic fluids in the uterus. The interactions between the fingers and these parts changes due to the movement of the fetus and the mother. Thus this microenvironment plays an important role in the details of the fingerprint patterns. (Why Identical Twins have Di) Though there are only minimal changes in the environment, the differentiating cells make the differences in the fingerprint pattern to be seen evidently. All these reasons make fingerprint patterns in the twins to be different. This also makes fingerprints between the finger and the toes from being the same. (Why Identical Twins have Di) Eventhough after birth, identical twins just look the same they also have a few physical differences for e.g. moles which help in distinguishing one from the other. These physical differences amplify day by day and become greatly evident. CONCLUSION: Fingerprinting by dusting and ninhydrin solutions help in lifting them properly. It makes sure that none of the fingerprints in the crime scene is unnoticed. However, it is important to note that these techniques should be done only by people who are very experienced. Kastle-Meyer test helps in identification of blood stains but it also gives false positive tests. Hence the samples should be analyzed once again to check the presence of blood in it. The lab was very enriching and gave a true picture of what is done by forensic scientists at the crime scene.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Analysis of Antonio’s Character :: Antonio Sebastian Essays

The Analysis of Antonio’s Character The lines selected for analysis are Act II, Scene I, lines 277-291, when Antonio is trying to reassure Sebastian that killing his brother—the King of Naples—is a good idea and well worth the effort. As the reader knows, Antonio usurped his brother, Prospero, and became the Duke of Milan. This sets the stage for his attitude towards Sebastian’s wanting to kill his brother, King Alonso. Because of Antonio’s past actions he sees nothing wrong with getting rid of a family member for personal gain, but his reasons for doing so began at a young age and have been etched into his brain. Antonio’s psychological depth reveals that he is a man jealous of his brother’s rightful power, and stemming from that is his insecurity and lust for power wherever he may find it (in this case, having power over Sebastian). Antonio is not a good person, has few conscientious thoughts, and is now trying to convince his companion to follow his lead. If An tonio’s brother, Prospero, was to hear the selected lines, he would say that the only time Antonio thinks about performing acts that will get him power, by eliminating those who currently have it, is when it is to his advantage. He would say that Antonio devises plans to get rid of leaders when they are at a disadvantage, and he at an advantage, because he doesn’t feel that he could succeed otherwise—his insecurities kicking in. I don’t think Shakespeare agrees with Antonio, and there are two examples in the play to support that. In response to Sebastian’s question about whether his conscience would bother him after committing fratricide, Antonio replies, â€Å"Ay, sir, where lies that? If `twere a kibe / `Twould put me to my slipper†¦Ã¢â‚¬  meaning that if his conscience was a small sore on the heel of his foot (a kibe), it would drive him to wear comfortable shoes but it would certainly not disrupt his life or stop him from doing what he’s doing. This shows Antonio to be a cold-hearted man, one who is able to quiet that little voice inside his head and push it to the back of his brain and continue with his terrible acts. In the next thought, he says, â€Å"†¦but I feel not this deity in my bosom,† admitting he doesn’t feel the tug of a conscience in his heart. The Analysis of Antonio’s Character :: Antonio Sebastian Essays The Analysis of Antonio’s Character The lines selected for analysis are Act II, Scene I, lines 277-291, when Antonio is trying to reassure Sebastian that killing his brother—the King of Naples—is a good idea and well worth the effort. As the reader knows, Antonio usurped his brother, Prospero, and became the Duke of Milan. This sets the stage for his attitude towards Sebastian’s wanting to kill his brother, King Alonso. Because of Antonio’s past actions he sees nothing wrong with getting rid of a family member for personal gain, but his reasons for doing so began at a young age and have been etched into his brain. Antonio’s psychological depth reveals that he is a man jealous of his brother’s rightful power, and stemming from that is his insecurity and lust for power wherever he may find it (in this case, having power over Sebastian). Antonio is not a good person, has few conscientious thoughts, and is now trying to convince his companion to follow his lead. If An tonio’s brother, Prospero, was to hear the selected lines, he would say that the only time Antonio thinks about performing acts that will get him power, by eliminating those who currently have it, is when it is to his advantage. He would say that Antonio devises plans to get rid of leaders when they are at a disadvantage, and he at an advantage, because he doesn’t feel that he could succeed otherwise—his insecurities kicking in. I don’t think Shakespeare agrees with Antonio, and there are two examples in the play to support that. In response to Sebastian’s question about whether his conscience would bother him after committing fratricide, Antonio replies, â€Å"Ay, sir, where lies that? If `twere a kibe / `Twould put me to my slipper†¦Ã¢â‚¬  meaning that if his conscience was a small sore on the heel of his foot (a kibe), it would drive him to wear comfortable shoes but it would certainly not disrupt his life or stop him from doing what he’s doing. This shows Antonio to be a cold-hearted man, one who is able to quiet that little voice inside his head and push it to the back of his brain and continue with his terrible acts. In the next thought, he says, â€Å"†¦but I feel not this deity in my bosom,† admitting he doesn’t feel the tug of a conscience in his heart.

Angelas Ashes: Analysis :: essays research papers

It is a common view that times for the Irish majority in the 1930's and 40's were very hard. Especially for the Irish Catholic families with the stereotypical drunken father, emotionally wrecked mother, kids running round her with her sore back from the next child ready too be born. In Angela's Ashes, Mc Court examines his childhood experiences, the tragedies, hardships, learning, all involved with growing up.One of the most interesting aspects of the writing in Angela's Ashes is how the text is written, from Mc Courts interpretation of the situation at his age he was at the time, the spelling and grammar also indicates that the child is writing, not the adult. This contributes immensely to the emotions and enjoyment evoked from reading the book. It also better describes how a child actually sees the things going around them, and what they may be thinking. Personally, sometimes is made me think for a while about how I interpreted things I saw when I was that age, and the fun I had b eing a 'kid' with my sister.McCourt describes his brothers and sister, even the ones that died and how much he enjoyed growing up with them, how they cared and loved for each other. Because of the appalling quarters they lived in and the lack of money and food there was terminal illnesses in the family which proved fatal to some of his siblings. Mc Court in his 'child-like' writing style describes how his siblings and he, interpret what's happened and how they see their parents reacting. Mc Court also analyses how his younger brother Malachy looks up to him and how much he takes Malachy under his 'wing' and takes care of him. Parenting is said to be one of the hardest tasks out there today, especially sole-parenting. Mc Court carefully examines his mother, how she copes with her drunken betrothed, how her cousins who married 'gentlemen' are constantly try to run her life, and how she acts as a woman. His father, the 'Irish drunk' who is constantly making him and his brother swear their lives for Ireland and singing Roddy Mc Corley and Kevin Barry after a night at the pub. How his father will tell him stories about old Irish folklore and get sacked from job after job.As Frank progresses into adolescence, he explores the feelings and changes he goes through.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essays --

Yiwu (China Commodity City) is located in the central area of Zhejiang province with a total land area of 1,105 square kilometers. The whole city governs 8 towns and 5 subdistricts, has a population of 670,000 registered as local domiciliary and 600,000 as external temporary Observation: †¢ Even after being such a big market, it was so well organized †¢ This was the main advantage for all the people requiring so many quantities at wholesale price †¢ This should be a learning for us B.2.8 KEQIAO TEXTILE MARKET: Shaoxing Keqiao textile town, known as China textile town Observation: †¢ It wasn’t a great experience for us †¢ And all the students were not happy as we were not expecting something like this CANTON TRADE FAIR: The Canton Fair is a trade fair held in the spring and autumn seasons each year since the spring of 1957 in Canton (Guangzhou, China). The Fair is co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of China and People's Government of Guangdong Province, and organized by China Foreign Trade Centre. There are three phases per session; two sessions per year. Spring session: April 1...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Health Promotion Essay

In today’s society, individuals do not recognize that every phase of their life is influenced by their health. People cannot accomplish their goals in society to their full advantage when they are unhealthy. In order to help the population improve their overall health, health promotion is essential. Health promotion and its objective will be discussed in this paper. In addition, it will further examine what our responsibilities are as nurses in the structure of health promotion. Furthermore, health promotion is separated into three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, all benefitting the individual. The U.S. Public Health Service identifies health promotion as â€Å"the process of advocating health in order to enhance the probability that personal, private, and public support of positive health practices will become a societal norm† (Edelman & Mandle, 2010, p. 14). In addition to offering information to patients regarding their health, health promotion incorporates supporting patients to enhance their general well-being and recognize their individual health potential (Skybo & Polivka, 2007). Health promotion provides patients with the understanding of the different elements that can alter their health and inspires them to obtain control of it (Bennett, Perry, & Lawrence, 2009). As well as enhancing patient outcomes, health promotion assists in reducing costs, which are consistently rising in health care (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). According to Edelman & Mandel, health promotion can be used on a public level, community level, or personal level (2010). For instance, on the public level, health promotion could include granting assistance or low-income housing programs by the government. The community level might incorporate Habitat for Humanity, which is a great advantage for that particular population. Lastly, the personal level would include individuals who vote to favor programs that assist the community (Hoyle, Bartee, & Allensworth, 2010). Health promotion, a frequently used phrase, is especially critical to the nursing career. It encompasses many concepts that nurses encounter daily. Because education is crucial to succeed, nurses are an essential part in health promotion. Every day, nurses provide education to their patients. To assist them in maintaining and enhancing their well-being, nursing interventions benefit individuals by expanding their resources (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). Since there are various settings in nursing, this is the ideal opportunity to educate individuals. With the help of nurses, healthy communities, homes, and schools can exist with proper education. Regardless of the specialty, all nurses need to educate patients on how to remain fit so they can live a longer, healthier life. Currently, collaboration occurs with an interdisciplinary team, which all assist in improving patients’ lives. Team members may include physicians, therapists, social workers, and dietitians. By working together to create a diverse educational background, this team helps patients overcome their illnesses or helps them manage the disease affecting their life (Bennett et al., 2009). Since health promotion is employed entirely across nursing, nurses are accountable for facilitating the best outcome for each individual patient. Health promotion includes three levels; primary, secondary and tertiary (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). Primary prevention includes delivering strategies and education to help patients avoid illnesses (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). For example, when a nurse delivers an immunization to a patient, she educates them about the potential risks of the disease and how the immunization will help prevent them from contracting the disease. In addition to the community, primary education is also applied in schools as an informative tool, to educate students about harmful diseases such as those taught in sex education classes. This offers support to students, enabling them to make informed decisions about protecting their health from such diseases. Secondary prevention is the next level of health promotion. This includes timely diagnosis of an illness and immediate therapy (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). This level aids in reducing occurrences of illness and inhibiting development between patients (Bennett et al., 2009). By offering community screenings for diabetes or hypertension, nurses are applying secondary prevention. Public health screenings allow nurses to identify potential diseases at an early stage, as well as provide the patient with beneficial information to slow the progression of the illness. Lastly, the tertiary level consists of helping the patient with rehabilitation and recovery (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). This stage identifies the disease and makes the patient cognizant of their health challenges. The nurse’s role in this level is to deliver education to help reduce complications. If a patient is admitted to the hospital with a stroke, physical and occupational rehabilitation may be initiated to retain the maximum stage of function and to avoid another stroke from transpiring (Skybo & Polivka, 2007). The three levels of health promotion are utilized every day and positively assist patients with improving themselves. Nursing will continually incorporate health promotion and the prevention of illnesses. To help support the best outcome for all patients, it is essential that nurses adapt to change. Primary, secondary, and tertiary are the principle levels of health promotion in the nursing profession. These three levels will contribute to patients living longer, healthier lives. References Bennett, C., Perry, J., & Lawrence, Z. (2009). Promoting health in primary care. Nursing Standard, 23(47), 48-56. Retrieved from Edelman, C., & Mandle, C. L. (2010). Health promotions throughout the life span (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Hoyle, T., Bartee, R., & Allensworth, D. (2010). Applying the process of health promotion in schools: A commentary. Journal Of School Health, 80(4), 163-166. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2009.00483.x. Retrieved from Skybo, T., & Polivka, B. (2007). Health promotion model for childhood violence prevention and exposure. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 16(1), 38-45. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01621.x. Retrieved from .aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2009481108&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Observation Report on Pre School Essay

Share details nigh your family, your relationship and views on your parents, spo exercise, brothers and sisters.I truly believe that being a part of a family is a priceless membership, that we offer pay nothing for, simply love, with that nib I would like to briefly tell apart the family I was born in, my mother is a science indoctrinateer in circus tent initiatetimehouse for more than a decade. My father, a mechanical engineer is serving Lloyds Insulation for more than 30 historic period. cleric has been veridical kind to let me bet a role of a life-size sister to my very special junior brother. Now about the family I was unify into, my husband a terrific bit is a software engineer. In my family I have parents in law, a wonderful sister in law, and a very adorable miss who is Five years old.1) What was your approximately solid father in tiddlerhood?My childhood was an amalgamation of experiences uncorrectable to pinpoint any one. One experience which I c an recall was that of grammatical construction a nest for a youngster bird which fell out of its nest. We gathering of friends nurtured and looked by and by that bird for as vast as we can , gave it a splendid cozy handkerchief box which I made in my school in the S.U.P.W class. As we grew and went to college my group of friends one mean solar day purchased a tiny puppy from the by lanes of Karol Bagh. Got the puppy hold up al-Qaida and blithely took turns to look after the puppy. One of the significant experiences of childhood was going to Aurangabad for my graduation. It taught me a swarm about life and how to deal with the real world.2) What were your memories of school days? Did you enjoy them?I have fond memories of the beautiful church our school compound had which I use to visit as a child early in the morning after getting down from the school bus. Our school had a little pond which had split of Tadpoles in it. As kids I truly enjoyed feeding them during recess time. I as well as enjoyed our dance class which we had in the school, level-headed of Ghungroos is still their in my memories. I enjoyed my music class at school we learnt a lot of beautiful songs their. I also remember standing ordinal in the fifth standard after burning the midnight oil.3) Which teachers have the most uphold and influence on you? why?As a child till reach college I came across many special teachers which left a mark on me. One such teacher was Mr.Jairam in my college in Aurangabad He taught us tax management in college. His dedication to teach his subject was very well reflected in his lectures. For a tough question he uses to often say This is not garden rocket science. Another teacher which is conclude to my heart was an art teacher whom I use to go to as a child. She bought out so much creativeness in me and made paint most difficult of paintings. She use to often treat us with goodies like Cookies and apple juice.4) Why did you decide to consider l earn as a career?I ascertained my love for children and teaching after my daughter was born. Being a hotel management tweak I decided to switch to teaching purely to express my love for children. It gives me peachy platform to express my creativity and extend back so much home to talk to my dear daughter.5) As luff of school what are the innovative programs you would take in?As Head of school I would like to introduce an evening school for the deserving children who want to study but economically cant knuckle under it. I would like training and workshops for the teachers for self improvement and their growth.6) What are your personal capabilitys and which areas do you film to improve?My personal strength is to make people talk. Being a patient person I dupet give up on my students I keep getting back to them till they get the lesson. Areas I need improvement in can be in organizing things in advance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Isolation in The Metamorphosis Essay

Franz Kafkas short story The transfiguration centers on the question of isolation. In the lead characters work shift he experiences a deep isolation towards party now. What this isolation leads to is to a series of events, that cause Gregors isolation to grow. Eventuall(a)y isolation leads to Gregors death. closing off and its after effects are the central themes concern in the The Metamorphosis. Isolation is the state of an individual existence separated from other individuals. Isolation involves both the genial state of an individual and the physical state of the individual. merely isolation also involves the individuals intuitive feeling versus societies believes. This paper will argue that Gregors version into a bug is a symbolic way of ones difficulty in pass judgment the isolation reality. The intuitive feeling of the isolation is first agnize in the authors work in section . The reader can see that Gregors isolation started ahead the regeneration occurred when Gr egor mentions Thats all Id collapse to try with my stamp Id be fired on the spot. Anyway, who knows if that wouldnt be a very unafraid thing for me.If I didnt hold backbone for my parents sake, I would have quit long ago. It is at this point that the reader realizes that Samsa was mentally isolated from the corporation he lived in before the transformation occurred. Gregor had wished to be free from work long before his transformation occurred, but association expected Gregor to work and to grant food for his family, something that Gregor didnt want. Gregors isolation before the metamorphosis occurred was that he wanted freedom and society wanted him to work.By Gregor showing unlike believes than the peace of mind of the society the reader realizes that Gregor was somehow already a loner even before the transformation occurred. The judgement isolation also affects Gregor in section III. some(a) readers believe that Gregor Samsas experience is centered on Morality and Ethic s. These people believe that Gregor is treated different because he is no longer a benevolent in a physical state. However this notion limits the whole picture of wherefore Gregor is treated differently.Gregors isolation towards society is true picture why he is treated differently. If the other notion of religion and moral philosophy were to be chosen many aspects of the Metamorphosis would be lost. These lost would be would be the strength of the reader to see how isolation has both touched Gregor inside and outside. My notion of the Metamorphosis portrays events in the former(prenominal) that show Gregors isolation were morality and ethics notion lacks of. Many notions in the past have been presented to try to present what Kafkas The Metamorphosis authentically portrayed.